Be Curious Before Critical

Being the Beloved - A Monthly Blog from CFDM Northwest

By Lisa Alteio, Assistant Director, CFDM Spiritual Direction Program

Be Curious Before Critical. These words greet me every time I walk into my Naturopath’s office. While this reminder is meant to be helpful during my visit, I have found it also applies to internal thoughts and feelings. It is a weekly reminder of a practice I want to build in my life: assuming a posture of curiosity before rushing to criticism when discovering a part of myself.

A key tenet in the CFDM Spiritual Direction Program is that we are always growing in self-awareness. I am noticing that for me, this can lead to judgement, criticism, and a plan to fix myself!

 I am learning if I stay curious and present to this part of myself, I am judging, more awareness will come. This part might be worried about something and trying to protect me or it might be trying to stay connected to others.

 When I stay curious, I am able stay present and compassionate to this part of me. I can listen to what it is worried about and attune to its concerns. I can ask it what it might want or need. My presence is creating a safe space where it can be seen and heard in God’s love and light. This safe space allows God’s invitation to wholeness, connection, and healing to be heard.

 Being seen, heard, and given compassion and understanding helps soothe this part of me. Often it can let go of old patterns of survival or protection and receive the love of God.

 I am still on the journey of learning to show up for myself in this way. When I am tempted to criticize myself toward change, God gently invites me back to love and presence - where real healing is possible.

 Is there a place within you that is longing for your loving curiosity?

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