Dream, discern, discover…
Have you ever had a dream that seemed important, but it was so puzzling or disturbing, that you left it a mystery? We invite you to come on April 1st (in person or via zoom) and learn how you can begin to decipher the new understandings and insights the dream is offering you.
Who is this workshop for? Anyone who wants to learn more about their dreams.
Dreams are a tool for discernment. Dreams can help us understand ourselves more fully and bring a fresh perspective. With our increased self-awareness, we can go to God in prayer and deepen our discernment.
Any dream will work. You’ll use the dream you bring to the workshop to learn principals and tools you can apply to dreams in the future. Don’t judge your dream as not interesting enough - all dreams have layers of significance.
What do our dreams do?
Dreams help the dreamer know what she/he is really feeling - especially when that is different from what she/he thinks they are supposed to feel.
Dreams show needs that are habitually going unnoticed or even actively being demeaned or disowned by the dreamer’s current attitude or value system.
Dreams reveal shadow aspects of the dreamer.
Dreams are a creative source of energy for a new way - not only revealing what could be but giving the jolt of energy to start moving in that direction.
From Dream Manual for Therapists and Other Listeners by Galen Martini, OSB, M.A. L.P.
Preparation for Workshop: After you register, you’ll be emailed some guidance on how to remember and prepare a dream. All participants will be asked to bring a dream they would like to work with.
This workshop will focus on specific dream characters, primarily those which are inanimate. By using our imagination to engage in conversations with these characters, we can uncover deep layers of the dream’s intention. In addition, attendees will participate in, and learn how to lead, interactive dream groups, taking what they have learned into a wider context.
Saturday April 1st, 9am-1pm PST (12:00p-4pm EST)
St. Mary’s on the Lake: 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue
or attend online with Zoom!
Cost: $50 for yourself & $25 for one friend
Registration & Payment Information HERE
The deadline to register is Monday, March 27th at 12 Noon
If you have questions, or would like to request a scholarship, please contact Katrina Obata, katrinao@comcast.net
Presenter: Becce Bettridge, MBS. Becce has been a spiritual director since 2009 and holds certifications from both Monastery of the Risen Christ in Santa Barbara, CA, and CFDM in Seattle. She holds a BA in Communication and Literature, a Master of Biblical Studies, and has studied spiritual direction and dream work with the Haden Institute in North Carolina. Becce continues to speak, teach, and write curriculum on the topic of spiritual formation. She lives in Poulsbo, Washington and enjoys kayaking, hiking, gardening, and playing golf with her husband, Joe.