Christian Formation & Direction Ministries, NorthWest
OUR PURPOSE is captured in the words of Jesus who invites us to come take a rest: “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (Matt 11:28-29 - The Message). In and through CFDM, we hope people are finding these “unforced rhythms of grace.”
WHAT WE DO: Christian Formation & Direction Ministries Northwest (CFDM NW) is a Christian ministry offering intentional learning communities in which to explore the soul-shaping experience of God in all of life.
To learn what CFDM is offering for training, workshops and contemplative retreats, please read below and continue to visit our home page for updates. You can also check our Facebook page, and/or sign up to receive our newsletter. To support CFDM, please visit our Giving page.
spiritual direction training
CFDM-NW trains spiritual directors in the Pacific Northwest, to companion others on their journey with God. Our Spiritual Direction Training program is an alternative to seminary for mature Christians who want training in offering spiritual direction and the contemplative life. It offers practical hands-on training, including courses in spiritual theology, spiritual traditions, spiritual formation, along with practicum, case studies, and supervision in giving and receiving spiritual direction. This is a two-year certificate program with small learning cohorts, training people to companion others as they walk the story of their life with God. Learn more...
going deeper in relationship with god
CFDM-NW offers opportunities for individuals to learn and practice contemplative prayer in community. All are welcome at these retreats and workshops. Participants learn and experience contemplative prayer practices which enrich and deepen their relationship with the Triune God. A transformed life is a gift received, not a goal achieved. It happens when we create space for noticing what God is already doing in our life. Through spending time with, reflecting on, and resting in God, we come to know personally, and more fully, God’s immense love for us. We are God’s Beloved!
“Noticing God in Everyday Life - The Prayer of Examen”
February 22, 2025, with Ellen Hoffman
The Prayer of Examen has been described as “reading the scripture of our lives.” It is a simple, yet powerful practice that invites us to reflect on our everyday happenings and experiences to see the movement of God.
By asking ourselves: “What has been life-giving? ”and “What has been life-draining?” we make space to notice more deeply who we are, what we need, and how God is present with us.
“Exploring Celtic Christian Spiritual Practices Through Scripture, Creation, and Breath Prayer”
March 22, 2025, with Rev. Chris Murphy
This retreat will provide an opportunity to experience God's presence through exploring Celtic Christian Spiritual Practices. Celtic Christianity highlights that God may be experienced deeply through the beauty of God's creation and through our own bodies, including our breathing and emotions. We will experience breath prayer, Scripture meditation, and connection with nature. Come join us for this mini retreat, which will awaken our senses and deepen our awareness of God's presence within and all around us.
The flat terrain of ordinary days is as transformative as the extreme peaks and valleys we journey, a journey with January as a natural starting line for most. Identifying as an enneagram four type, sometimes described as a "frustrated idealist," I inevitably find my attention drawn to what is lacking, what needs a fix. Envisioning beauty and goodness propels me to keep working toward solutions, while other times I spiral into discouragement. The results can be helpful responses or harmful reactions. Working and praying with this wisdom for over a decade now, I know this tendency touches every corner of my world.